Village of Pelham Administrator Christopher Scelza presented a proposal from software company T2 Systems for a “comprehensive overhaul of our parking enforcement and parking management technology” at the village board meeting on March 11.
“The village has identified T2 as a solution that we’d like to move forward with in regards to citations and parking permits,” he said.
In 2019, Scelza said, the village entered into an agreement with Passport Labs for a system to handle meters and enforcement that began operating in March 2020. He said T2 is “a better solution, better technology that we can provide to everybody. There is not much visible change that residents will see besides new branding on the ticket because the software is primarily in the backend.”
T2 is an add-on to the existing Passport Labs agreement. The village board will consider a resolution on purchasing the software at its next meeting, Scelza said.
T2 includes a code enforcement module that will allow the village to monitor and enforce local ordinances, such as violations related to organics, snow and sidewalk conditions, Scelza said. All violations and enforcement actions will be logged into a online system, while residents will be able to obtain visitor passes and permits and handle parking-related transactions.
The T2 software will save more than 55% of the current amount budgeted for parking enforcement, permits and technology, according to Scelza.
Mayor Chance Mullen called the software “a great find.”
Joining Municipalities to Oppose Con Ed Increases
The village plans to join more than 20 other Westchester County municipalities, including the Town of Pelham, to oppose a delivery rate increase Con Edison has requested from the New York Public Service Commission.
Under Con Ed’s request filed with the commission, residential delivery fees for electricity would climb more than 25%, and delivery fees for natural gas would jump 19%, Mullen said during the board meeting. The increases would take effect in January 2026, if approved.
“Many of us on the Westchester Municipal Officials Association Executive Committee have been grappling with this for about the last month, trying to figure out what we might be able to do to oppose the increases, or at least make sure that Con Edison is put to the test,” he said.
The Town of Rye Brook, working with nearby municipalities, has already found counsel to fight the rate case, with the firm agreeing to cap total expenses at $100,000 and to take on the representation of other localities, said Mullen. The cost for the Village of Pelham would be no more than $5,000, he said.
“About $35,000 to $40,000 of [the total] is not legal fees,” said Mullen. “It’s actually for these technical experts who will go in and dig into the data and have a better understanding of where the increases are coming from, as well as provide some analysis around how much of this is going to profits.”
“I do think the municipalities have a more aggressive posture with this and a real game plan to try to make an impact on this rate case, so I am fully in support of that.”
Trustee Michael Carpenter said “for $5,000 for our residents, our businesses, this is a very, very cheap way to try and make a big difference.”
Mullen said the village board will vote on authorizing participation in the rate case at its next meeting.
Joseph Battaglia • Mar 21, 2025 at 7:32 pm
This banding together of Municipalities to address the Con Ed situation is an excellent idea. Hoping for the best… Thank you, VOP.