Tri-M Music Honor Society inducts 18 new members at ceremony

The PMHS Tri-M Music Honor Society held its annual induction ceremony Monday evening. The Tri-M advisor is Dr. Michele Zanky, conductor of the PMHS and PMS orchestras, who has run the honor society for nine years. Interim assistant principal of the middle school, Dr. Sean Llewellyn was the keynote speaker for the ceremony and shared tales of his thirty years of gigging and falling in love with music, concluding by imparting advice to aspiring musicians.
New Members
Albert Ai, Grace Aronson, Zoe Casey, Guy Eustace, Matthew Giarrizzo, Dylan Giglio, Lukas Glist, Morgan Jenkins, Allison Lange, Dylan Lee, Benjamin Levine, Ann Liu, Tara Matz, Malia McLellan, Emily Nakayama, Emma Spencer, Mark Tarazi, Giovanna Vitale
Second Year
Jack Hopkins (Vice President), Lauren Kuster, Michael Li, Lucas Matos
Third Year
Isaac Blackburn, Canming (Ricardo) Cui, Ava Juliano, Violet Massie-Vereker (Secretary-Historian), Matyas Spunberg, Sophie Xu (Treasurer)
Fourth Year
John-Howard Bissell (President)
Editor’s note: Opinions & Ideas Editor Violet Massie-Vereker is secretary-historian of the Tri-M Music Honor Society.
Violet Massie-Vereker is a senior at Pelham Memorial High School. Her experience in journalism includes writing for the News of Pelham for the past two...