Village of Pelham police blotter: June 12-16

June 20, 2018
Tuesday, June 12
8:59 a.m. – A resident on Third Avenue phoned in in regards to a gas powered leaf blower being used out of season. An officer was dispatched to check; the workers were gone on arrival.
11:11 a.m. – A student came into the station to report he’d lost his school-issued Chromebook. He said he’d possibly left it in the school library or a classroom several months ago. He stated he looked for it but was unable to find it.
12:03 p.m. – A woman came into the station to make a complaint about a gentleman in her apartment building on Fifth Avenue who owns two large pit bull mix dogs. On two separate incidents the dogs have scared her and her daughter because of lack of control by the owner. She detailed the incidents and asked for it to be documented due to her fear of the dogs and the lack of control by the owner.
1:57 p.m. – An officer was dispatched to Harmon Avenue on report of someone’s keys being locked in their vehicle and was able to assist.
2:14 p.m. – The same resident who called at 8:59 a.m. called again, stating a gas-powered leaf blower was in use in the area near her house. An officer was dispatched and was advised of an electric blower in use.
3:04 p.m. – Officers dispatched to Pelham Lumber at 437 Fifth Ave. on report of a suspicious white male inside. He and his mother were stopped and advised officers that he was autistic and talking to himself.
5:44 p.m. – A person received a call from an unknown individual, stating that they were from Apple and needed access to her computer to fix a problem. The person then followed the individual’s instructions, but became suspicious when the individual asked for payment in Apple gift cards. The person then turned off her PC and called the police. They wanted the incident documented, and were advised to call Apple and change their passwords.
Wednesday, June 13
9:36 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a residential fire alarm on Highbrook Avenue and were alerted that it was set off accidentally.
9:45 a.m. – A student came in and reported that he had lost his school-issued Chromebook in December and was reporting this for insurance reasons.
2:28 p.m. – A cell phone was found on First Street, and the item placed in the police lost and found for safekeeping. At 6:30 p.m., the owner picked it up.
3:51 p.m. – Officers were dispatched to a domestic dispute on Fifth Avenue between a woman and her daughter. The forty-year-old daughter had thrown a water bottle at her mother, striking her in the face, and then run off. She was found nearby and apprehended by police, and then arrested after her mother said she would be willing to pursue charges of harassment. After she was arrested, she and her bag were searched, and the bag was found to contain eight hypodermic needles, a baggy containing what was believed to be heroin residue, and three pills believed to be penicillin, 43 unknown pills. She also had an active warrant from the NYPD. She was remanded to the Westchester County Jail, and the NYPD were notified.
6:32 p.m. – The same resident who called in the previous day at 8:59 a.m. and 2:14 p.m. called to report loud machinery in the area of her home. An officer was dispatched and the call unfounded.
Thursday, June 14
1:14 a.m. – Officers were advised of an open garage door on Second Avenue. The homeowner was on scene.
1:57 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a noise complaint on Seventh Avenue; the upper floor tenants were making “loud noises.” Both parties were spoken to and the condition corrected.
12:57 p.m. – A student came into the station to state that he had lost his school-issued Chromebook. He said he had no idea how or when, but believes it was at school. He said he turned in someone else’s Chromebook, and his is nowhere to be found.
11:30 p.m. – A resident called that she was being disturbed by a loud party. Officers were dispatched and corrected the condition.
Friday, June 15
12:35 a.m. – Officers were dispatched to a domestic dispute on Fifth Avenue, where a woman and her stepmother had been fighting after a plant had been knocked over. After discussion, the parties agreed to go to bed for the night.
12:40 a.m. – A man on Second Avenue reported $40 in cash stolen from his father’s car on June 13. The car was unlocked, in a garage with a closed but unlocked door. He had set up a hunting camera after noticing property from the car going missing in the past. He reported it at this time because he had gone outside to smoke and saw a suspicious vehicle. When the driver saw him outside smoking, the driver immediately sped off and began playing loud music. The area was canvassed with negative results, and a photo of the suspect was given to police.
5:30 a.m. – A person on Seventh Avenue reported a nosebleed that would not stop. Officers were dispatched and assisted with tissue and paper towels; the person was later transported to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital for evaluation.
6:40 a.m. – A man on Fifth Avenue reported a domestic dispute, in which his girlfriend “went crazy” and hit him over the head with a frying pan. While defending himself, he was hit in the right elbow and bitten in the lower portion of his right leg, where a visible bite mark was left. He declined medical attention and wished for no further action, and later became hostile with the police investigation. His girlfriend had left prior to police arrival.
Saturday, June 16
9:57 a.m. – Officers were alerted to a leaf blower being used illegally on Second Avenue and found a landscaping crew using a leaf blower. An employee stated they were using it for a short time; he was advised of local village law.
2:33 p.m. – A resident phoned in to say that there was loud music coming from a store on Fifth Avenue; an officer was dispatched and the situation corrected.
2:45 p.m. – A resident called and stated that her neighbor on Second Avenue was playing loud music. An officer was dispatched and found no music.