Pelham school board to elect president, vp Tuesday, hold public hearings on safety plan, conduct code


Pelham Memorial High School

Editor’s note: This press release was provided by the Pelham Union Free School District.

Left out of the release but on the agenda are public hearings on the draft district safety plan and the draft district code of conduct.

The Board of Education’s annual Reorganization Meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 in Alumni Hall located on the ground floor of Pelham Memorial High School, 575 Colonial Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. The meeting can be viewed on YouTube live. Prior to the public meeting, the Board is expected to meet at 6pm in the Superintendent’s Conference Room in District Central Offices, 18 Franklin Place, Pelham, NY 10803 and immediately enter into executive session to discuss proposed litigation.

At the meeting, the District Clerk will swear-in recently elected trustees Michael Owen-Michaane and Ian Rowe and the board will elect its president and vice president.

Members of the community are welcome to attend the meeting in person. Any member of the public who is not vaccinated against COVID-19 will be required to wear a mask/face covering and maintain physical distance from others.

Following the Reorganization Meeting, the Board will hold a regular business meeting. In addition to Dr. Champ’s Superintendent’s report, the agenda may include updates from each School Board committee, Finances and Facilities, and the three goal areas of the Strategic Plan: Cultural Competence, Authentic Learning, and the Whole Child. The Board may also review and/or adopt the following policies: Policy-7410 Co-Curricular Activities (Third Reading); Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Third Reading), Payroll (First Reading). These policies will be available for review on BoardDocs as part of the meeting agenda.

Please be advised that all public comment will take place in person.

The full meeting agenda will be available approximately 24 hours before the meeting on BoardDocs. To access the agenda once it has been posted, visit and click “Meetings and Coffees” under the “Board of Education” tab. Then click the button for “Agendas and Minutes” and click the link for the “Tuesday, July 13, 2021” meeting.