New music studio to replace Jump Dance Center on Wolfs Lane
Lauren Dunkelberger in new Premier Music Studio
Wolfs Lane can look forward to gaining a new music studio this fall. Many are aware that Jump Dance Center, a long-time Pelham fixture, ceased offering lessons across a myriad of styles during the Pandemic. Enter Lauren Dunkelberger, a talented pianist now planning to bring her already thriving business to Jump Dance’s former storefront at 139 Wolfs Lane.
Dunkelberger said her career “grew organically,” starting 20 years ago with her teaching private piano lessons. In 2018, she founded Premier Music Studio, hiring a team to offer sessions in Pelham, Bronxville and New Rochelle. After the pandemic hit, there was an increased demand, with the group becoming responsible for more than 100 students. Greater numbers created a need for the studio’s first brick-and-mortar location.
Piano and voice lessons will be offered at the new music studio, with Dunkelberger hoping to expand to other instruments in the future. Plans are to completely transform the space, creating the opportunity to have several classes going on at one time. Private and group instruction will be available.
“The space that it once was with Jump Dance will be completely revisioned,” said Dunkelberger. She said she visualizes a sleek, modern, “happy space for music.”
Construction is set to start this summer, with plans to open for the fall semester. Dunkelberger has a positive outlook about the coming business expansion. “I’m really excited to bring a cultural aspect to that part of Wolves Lane and use all the spaces I’ve built full time,” said Dunkelberger.