Hutchinson PTA condemns racism in schools, saddened by incidents at Siwanoy


Editor’s note: This statement was provided by the Hutchinson PTA.

The Hutchinson PTA would like to make it explicitly clear that we condemn racism in any form in our school community. We are extremely saddened by the events that recently occurred in one of our elementary schools. Our community is a diverse one and we need to be mindful and kind to all. It is important that we live by our BEAR code (Be safe, Empathize with others, Act Responsibly and Respect others). As adults we have the responsibility of teaching our children to not only be not racist, but anti-racist. We need to dismantle racism when it begins and have difficult conversations with our children early and often. No one should be made to feel different or ashamed of who they are. With vigilance we can overcome moments like these. The school is here for any students that are affected by these recent events. The Hutchinson PTA is working alongside the school and the district to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into every undertaking.