Call ahead for free KN95 masks available at Pelham Manor Fire Department


Editor’s note: This press release was provided by the Village of Pelham Manor. The Pelham Examiner publishes press releases in the form received as a service to the community.

Free KN-95 Mask Distribution for Village of Pelham Manor Residents

The Village of Pelham Manor has Received an Allocation of KN-95 Face Masks from Westchester County to Distribute to Residents

To the request masks, please contact the Pelham Manor Fire Department at 914-738-8823. They will ask for your name and address. Once you are registered, you may pick them up at the Fire Department Headquarters, at 4 Penfield Place. Only individuals who are asymptomatic and wearing a mask should pick them up. 

Upon arrival at the PMFD you will be asked for your ID, and then they will give you a pack of 5, KN-95 masks.