Discussion on vision and excellence continues with school board session on Wednesday


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The Pelham Memorial High School/Pelham Middle School campus.

Editor’s note: This press release was provided by the Pelham Union Free School District. The Pelham Examiner publishes press releases in the form received as a service to the community.

The Board of Education will meet at 7pm on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 in the Pelham Middle School Library located at 28 Franklin Place, Pelham, NY 10803 for a Work Session on Excellence and Delivering on the District’s Vision. The meeting can be viewed on YouTube live.

Members of the public may attend the meeting in-person.

At the work session, which provides the Board with an opportunity to take a deep dive into a particular topic, Dr. Champ will present about the District’s Vision and information gleaned from speaking with key stakeholders about Excellence. After the presentation, a panel of teachers, administrators and staff members will participate in a guided discussion.

Following the Work Session, the Board will conduct a brief business meeting.

The full meeting agenda will be available approximately 24 hours before the meeting on BoardDocs. To access the agenda once it has been posted, visit www.pelhamschools.org and click “Meetings and Coffees” under the “Board of Education” tab. Then click the button for “Agendas and Minutes” and click the link for the “December 7, 2022” meeting.