Editor’s note: This press release was provided by the Pelham Union Free School District. The Pelham Examiner publishes press releases in the form received as a service to the community.
The Board of Education will meet at 6:30pm on Monday, February 12, 2024 in Room 280 in Pelham Middle School, 28 Franklin Place, Pelham, NY 10803. It is anticipated that the Board will immediately consider a motion to enter executive session to discuss matters relating to collective bargaining negotiations with the Pelham Teachers Association pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law. The Board is expected to reconvene in public in the Pelham Middle School Library at approximately 7:30pm for the regular business portion of the meeting. The meeting can be viewed on YouTube live.
Members of the public may attend the meeting in-person.
At the meeting, Dr. Champ will present an overview of the Superintendent’s Budget proposal. The Board will also be joined by consultants with Hazard Young Attea Associates for a discussion about the strategic planning process.
In addition to Dr. Champ’s Superintendent’s report, the agenda may include updates from each School Board committee, Finances and Facilities, and Human Resources. Additionally there may be an update on academic progress and the District’s efforts to meet student needs as well as updates on the three goal areas of the Strategic Plan: Cultural Competence, Authentic Learning, and the Whole Child.
The Board may also review and/or adopt Policy #6190: Workplace Violence Prevention. This policy will be available for review on BoardDocs as part of the meeting agenda.
The full meeting agenda will be available approximately 24 hours before the meeting on BoardDocs. To access the agenda once it has been posted, visit www.pelhamschools.org and click “Meetings and Coffees” under the “Board of Education” tab. Then click the button for “Agendas and Minutes” and click the link for the “February 12, 2024” meeting.
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