To the editor:
Julianne’s Playground is essential for the physical and mental health of our children.
As a resident of Pelham for four generations, I am very concerned about the Village of Pelham’s proposal to place a massive sewer and diesel pumps in Julianne’s Playground where our children play. Born and raised in Pelham, I played at the Sixth Street Playground—now Julianne’s Playground—my daughters played there and now my granddaughter plays in this playground.
After hearing recently the playground may be dug up and a sewer placed under it, my granddaughter was quite naturally upset. I understand the long-term issues of flooding and the need for mitigation, but not at the expense of our children. I commend the Pelham Board of Education for putting our children first by voting unanimously against this project that will disrupt the lives of what is most precious to us, our children.
Two words come to mind when I have seen projects like this move forward: “unintended consequences.” I don’t want our children to be an unintended consequence of this project. Find another way, and let our children have their Julianne’s Playground as we have very little outdoor space as it is. Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion.
Charlotte Florida
550 Third Ave.
Claire Persanis • Feb 19, 2024 at 5:34 pm
The water retention tanks under the blacktop would have no impact on the use of the playground. This has been addressed and explained at several public meetings but residents are refusing to listen. It’s truly disappointing, using the “good of the children” argument. No children will be harmed by the water retention tanks. Can the same be said for the kids who’s houses flood? The kids who feel panic and dread every time a rainstorm is predicted?
Natali Wind • Feb 18, 2024 at 7:52 pm
I don’t know enough about the project to have a definitive opinion either way, but I will say it’s funny to me that someone would say “this project that will disrupt the lives of what is most precious to us, our children.” when flooding could disrupt children’s lives too. Should something not be done because it would affect the children when flooding would affect all of us?