Editor’s note: This notice was provided by the Pelham Union Free School District. The Pelham Examiner publishes notices in the form received as a service to the community.
The annual school budget vote and Board of Education member election will be held on Tuesday, May 21. Polls will be open from 7am-9pm in the Pelham Middle School gym. Below please find important information about Early/Absentee Voting and Voter Registration.
Early/Absentee Voting
This year, in addition to in-person voting on election day and absentee ballots for qualified voters, registered voters may vote via early mail-in ballots. This new provision, which is now required under New York State law, allows registered voters to cast ballots via mail without specifying a reason.
Beginning Monday, April 22, registered voters may submit an application for an early mail (or absentee ballot if eligible) to the District Clerk. Applications in English and Spanish are available on the District website and may be submitted via mail, email or in-person.
For those who wish to have the Early Mail or Absentee Voting ballot mailed to them, the deadline for the application to be submitted is 4pm on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
For those who wish to receive the Early Mail Voting or Absentee Voting ballot in-person, the applicant must deliver the application and pick up the ballot from the District Clerk’s Office by 4pm on Monday, May 20, 2024.
All Early Mail Voting or Absentee Voting must be returned by 5pm on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in order to be included in the tallies.
Valerie Miller, District Clerk, is located in the The Sanborn Map Building, 629 Fifth Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Please contact her for any questions on the Budget Vote and School Board Election at (914) 738-3434, ext. 1155 or via email at vmiller@pelhamschools.org.
Voter Registration
All registered voters in the Pelham Union Free School District may vote in the May 21 budget referendum and Board of Education member election. Any resident of the district who is registered to vote in general elections may vote in the annual budget vote and school board member election.
Eligible voters who are not registered may do so via the Westchester County Board of Elections or through the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
The District also offers Personal Voter Registration for eligible voters. This process allows voters to register directly with the District for school votes only. Those interested in personal registration may do so on the following days at the District Central Office:
Wednesday, April 10 from 10am-2pm
Saturday, April 20 from 10am-2pm
Tuesday, May 7 from 4-8pm
Additional information is available on the District website.
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