Editor’s note: This announcement was provided by the Village of Pelham Manor. The Pelham Examiner publishes announcements in the form received as a service to the community.
At the May 28 Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting, the BOT approved a site plan amendment for Pelhamdale, LLC (904 Pelhamdale Avenue). In the agenda packet for the May 28 BOT meeting (PDF), the Village Manager provides an overview of how the site plan amendment blossomed into a coordinated public-private two-phase project. We are excited to notify the community that the municipal project will begin tomorrow, Monday, June 10! For the safety of the contractors, there will be temporary traffic modifications in the north-bound direction of Pelhamdale Avenue. The Pelham Manor Police Department will be providing assistance near the intersection of Pelhamdale Avenue/Boston Post Road. The municipal project is anticipated to take one business week.
Patrons of the shopping center are encouraged to utilize street parking on Pelhamdale Avenue, or utilize the parking lot on the eastern side of the property and walk along the sidewalk to their business of choice. If residents are utilizing street parking, we further encourage safe and proper street-crossing habits. Meaning, rather than crossing the roadway in the middle of traffic, walk up to the traffic light and crosswalk where the intersection is controlled. Please communicate this to younger members of your household whom do not receive these emails, but likely visit the shopping center.
On the topic of proper navigation of our roadways, we have received many reports of vehicles utilizing the parking lot at the Schuyler Park Apartments (620-622 Pelhamdale Ave.) as a cut-through to avoid the traffic light. This is an unfair practice to this private property. Operators of motor vehicles are reminded to respect private property.
It is anticipated that after our municipal project is complete, Pelhamdale, LLC will begin their work. Additionally, ConEdison’s paving contractors are tentatively scheduled to pave Pelhamdale Avenue, from Boston Post Road to Grant Avenue (and associated site streets), starting on Monday, June 17. This schedule is tentative as it is weather permitting. Further confirmed paving plans will be communicated when available.
Editor’s note: This announcement references and links to a memo to the village board by Village Manager Lindsey Luft. Here is the text of that memo: