Pelham houses of worship seek 800 Thanksgiving-in-a-Box meals for families in need

Deborah Karson

Thanksgiving-in-Box prep in 2012.

Editor’s note: This press release was provided by the Mission Committee at Huguenot Church.

The annual Thanksgiving-in-a-Box food drive for needy families, now in its 13th year, will once again be an interfaith Pelham event. This year the drive will be coordinated through Huguenot Memorial Church, the Pelham Jewish Center, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Catharine’s Parish, Christ Church, Pelham Community Church and new this year Bronxville Reformed Nursery School. The Pelham volunteers will be partnering with Family Services of Westchester and providing boxes of food to families in FSW’s Port Chester, Tarrytown, Mount Vernon, Yonkers, and Pelham locations.   Manor Market will once again be fulfilling boxes and helping the coordination. **

We are asking volunteers to assemble a box of food for a family of 6-8 people. Last year, we were able to provide much needed food for 800 families and we are hoping to do the same again but we can only do that with your help!!

 HOW CAN YOU PARTICIPATE? It is really simple!


STEP 1:                                    Contact one of us let us know you’d like to put together a box!

Huguenot Memorial Church        Tina Constable                    917-215-9543 (

Pelham Jewish Center                   Michelle Dvorkin               917-414-3467 (

OLPH                                                 Michelle D’Urso                 738-6442 (

St. Catharine’s:                                 Heidi Carey                         738-4332

Christ Church                                   Beth Conway                       738-1003 (

Bronxville Reformed Church

Nursery School                                 Maureen Stapleton           (914)-548-1164 (


Deborah Karson
Thanksgiving-in-Box prep in 2012.

STEP 2. Buy the specific food items (outlined below) and pack the box.

STEP 3. Bring the box to the Huguenot Memorial Church library. Boxes can be dropped off between 9-5pm from Saturday November 17- Tuesday November 20, 2018.

If you are interested in helping deliver the boxes on Wednesday morning November 21, 2018, please email

Thanksgiving-in-a-Box items include: (NOTE: Everything will fit inside the box except for the ham)

  • 1 pre-cooked sliced spiral ham (8-10 pounds – you will find these in the meat section of your grocery store. Please, no canned hams)
  • 2 (28-32oz) bags of rice
  • 3 (15 oz) cans corn
  • 3 (15 oz) cans peas
  • 1 (5 pound) bag of potatoes –approximately 12 potatoes
  • 1 (3 pound) bag of apples – approximately 8-10 apples
  • 1 (1 pound) box of pasta
  • 1 (24 oz) jar of tomato sauce (any kind)
  • 1 bag/container of cookies (Oreos and the like kind of packaging are perfect)
  • 2 (64oz) containers juice (please no cider or anything that needs to be refrigerated!)

** Manor Market will have competitive prices for all of the box items. If you are going to be away or if the box is too difficult to carry please call 914-636-2208 and they will put a box together for you and get it to the church.   Cost is $69. (Manor Market 4775-77 Boston Post Road, Pelham Manor NY)

About Family Services of Westchester: Family Services of Westchester is a private, not-for-profit, non-sectarian agency located in Westchester County, New York. Founded in 1954, with headquarters in Port Chester, New York, Family Services is dedicated to supporting families in need throughout Westchester through programs such as Family Mental Health Services; Adoption & Children’s Services; Head Start and Early Head Start; Senior Services; Home Health Care; Big Brothers-Big Sisters; AmeriCorps; Therapeutic Foster Care for Youth; and a spectrum of services for families living with HIV/AIDS.