State sets up new webpage to compare savings from Star property tax credit and exemption

Editor’s note: This information from the New York State Department of Tax and Finance was provided by Town of Pelham Assessor Joe Battaglia. The Pelham Examiner publishes press releases in the form received as a service to the community.

New webpage: 2021 STAR credits and STAR exemption savings

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to ask whether they would receive a larger benefit if they switched to the STAR credit from the STAR exemption.

Now, homeowners can compare the benefits at STAR credit and exemption savings amounts.

Bear in mind that we cannot provide actual 2022 STAR credit or exemption savings amounts prior to the school district issuing tax bills. This is because local school tax rates are necessary to calculate the credit and exemption savings, and the school tax rates are not calculated until shortly before school tax bills are issued.