The Corridor


I am standing in the corridor

Where two rooms lie

One, black and empty

The other, crowded and full of life


The darkness in the first room screeches,

“Come here. You will live a life of confidence.”

The light in the second room cheers,

“Join us! You will live a life of color!”


I am standing in the corridor

Where a decision must be made

To join the room of terror and independence

Or the room of vibrance and judgments


I peer into the black room,

Where I catch a glimpse of the darkness smirking,

Lonely, but fulfilled


I peer into the bright room,

Where the light’s countenance is indistinguishable,

As too many social butterflies are flapping their wings,

Distracting themselves from the truth


I am standing in the corridor

Confused and torn

Do I live a life of loneliness,

Or one of fake contentment?


I live neither.